Mashed Potatoes

The perfect mashed potatoes - we would argue that it’s an impossibility.
Two of our favorites came from our travels to the annual CES show in Las Vegas. At Joël Robuchon in the MGM grand, they make an AMAZING French style mashed potato that would totally clog your arteries if you ate them daily. The other is served at Craftsteak and is a white truffle mashed potato. A good mashed potato needs to fit the rest of the meal and in both of the above cases they are served with very specific dishes.
At Dam Chicken we’ve been listening to feedback and realized that what we were serving for mashed potatoes, while fine, just didn’t compliment the rest of our menu in the supporting role that they should be.
A good mashed potato needs to make everything better, not be its own star (unless it’s Joël Robuchon’s).
So after the introduction of the DC Chicken Bowl we decided to create a new mashed potato recipe that’s good by itself for picky eaters, but also make the DC Chicken Bowl, and especially our gravy, better together.
We welcome you to try our new mashed potatoes, and we always welcome your feedback.
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